A Mother’s Unprecedented Battle by Yanne Derla
“Search for the seed of good in every adversity. Master that principle and you will own a precious shield that will guard you well through all the darkest valleys you must traverse.” –
Og Mandingo
Those lines have been my mantra all these years.
Battling Against the Unknown
2004 was one of the most critical years in my life as a mother. My second born Migo was diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease when he was only 14 months old. With no ample knowledge of this disease, I couldn’t believe my son in his first year would suffer from this not so common illness caused by either bacteria or any environmental factors.
Kawasaki Disease usually affects children, which causes swelling in the walls of medium sized-arteries throughout the body. The inflammation would tend to affect the patient’s coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart muscle. (https://www.mayoclinic.org/)
After hearing lines from the pediatrician about my son’s condition, I startled. With no enough money to pay for his hospital bills and medicines, I suddenly realized how challenging it was to be a mother, it wasn’t just a nonchalant obligation.
Looking at my son with on and off fever, rashes on the main parts of his body; red, dry, cracked lips, swollen face, hands, and feet; and swollen lymph nodes in his neck, was undeniably devastating. My heart would bleed for him and would utter those words, “Lord if only I could offer myself and suffer from the pain on behalf of my little angel.”
God is indeed the most gracious, His power is infinite. After almost two weeks at the hospital, my son had at last recovered after his IVIG treatment (Intravenous Immunoglobulin). IVIG anyway, is a solution of Antibodies, they are proteins the immune system produces to fight disease-carrying organisms. Despite my busy days as I had already had a very established teaching career in the Philippines at that time, taking care of my son and making sure he would not develop any heart problems was my topmost priority.
At the end of the day, I passed the test of this stage of life with flying colors through the wisdom and support of my mom who was my source of strength, as she herself was bombarded with difficult trials in the past, one of which was the sudden death of my dad at 43 due to a degenerative disease.

Turning Breakdowns to Breakthrough
After many years, I thought life would just be as smooth as I had envisioned it to be. But my faith was again tested. In 2010, a worse trial involving my youngest son this time occured when he was three years old. This time, Jonas was then diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s Disease. I couldn’t imagine it would happen again. Financially, the family had not recovered yet at this time as it also coincided with the pancreatic operation procedure of my mother in law, and the emotional sabotage of having a family member suffering from pain.
Hirschsprung’s Disease is a congenital disorder characterized by the absence of ganglia in the proximal (distal) colon, resulting in a functional obstruction.(https://www.mayoclinic.org/). In other words, his large intestine (colon) was affected and that caused problems with passing stool.
This time, I literally didn’t know what to do, whom to consult with, which hospital we would go to. My other side of the brain was trying to tell me that I couldn’t manage another ordeal, but the other side was convincing me that I could carry on.
Fortunately, God sent His angels to lead me the way. We met this unselfish pedia surgeon and her team at the Philippine General Hospital, though she was also a consultant at the Asian Hospital and Medical Center in Alabang. We were advised that my son would need a series of operations for the treatment of his disease. Having this made him also prone to serious intestinal infection called enterocolitis which could be life-threatening and would really require immediate treatment.
First, he had to undergo an ostomy surgery, where doctors had to connect the small intestine to the stoma, to allow the stool to leave the body without passing through the anus. Our agonies were real! The first thing to buy after receiving either my paycheck or allotment from my husband, a seafarer was to purchase ostomy pouches or colostomy bags since a pouch had to be attached to my son’s stoma to collect stool. And we had to change it from time to time. What a challenging life each day! His movements were so limited.
After almost a year, a pull-through procedure was made where his doctors removed the part of the large intestine that didn’t have nerve cells (functional cells) and connected the healthy part to his anus. With my strong faith to God and that very powerful conviction that my son would soon be well, I had to go through all the agonies. I would just hold on to God’s promise that He would turn my WORST story into the BEST story of my life!
Finally after a year of bearing each day with a colostomy bag supporting his stoma, and proper management care to refrain from any infections, the discomfort of going back and forth to Philippine General Hospital in Manila as early as 4 in the morning to refrain from long cues, he had to undergo his last operation which was done to reverse his ostomy. Through this procedure he would have his normal bowel movements.
This closure surgery brought back my son’s health and my sanity as well as a mother. There were also great blessings that came across the way. In his last major operation, he was blessed with being a part of the medical mission in PGH where we didn’t have to pay any single amount of peso to the hospital. It was such a blessing! Likewise, as a mother, I learned the virtues of humility, patience, and the importance of strength and character in facing such a trial. It was a tough and exasperating experience but it was braced with too many realizations in life.
Fast forward, my second born has just celebrated his 18th birthday a few weeks ago and is now planning to go to a maritime academy to pursue a career in maritime and navigation. My youngest son Jonas, likewise is turning 15 and has been enjoying his healthy years. They all grew up as responsible children with aspirations of achieving and being successful to the best of their abilities under the care and supervision of their “Kuya”, my first born Matthew together with their grandparents, since I have been an OFW (Overseas Contract Worker) for five years now. By the way, Matthew is a licensed Radiologic Technician, who has specialized in medical radiation and imaging, and is now working in one of the private hospitals in the Philippines. Though their father and I had to separate lives for some reasons that could not be patched up anymore, our children have established a clear understanding that our love to them is indeed beyond doubt.
Consequently, living in a foreign country away from them isn’t easy. It takes a dose of courage and strenght, but with God on our side, I know one day in His time we will be reunited.
From those experiences, I have learned and realized a lot. Taking charge of our health undoubtedly begins with the smart choices we make every day. So, I have opted to be an advocate of good health which I believe is the new wealth. I have valued and explored great lifestyle habits that help me live my healthiest life now, and so I have also edified my children on this conviction.
Right now, I am doing a side hustle of sharing this transformational business by promoting science-based nutritional products to help our cells degenerate and create more endogenous (natural) antioxidants, to work together and make up healthy tissues and sub organs of our body. I am also willing to share this business to those mothers out there who are willing to do a side hustle at the comforts of their homes, while looking after their younger children.

Truly, “Stars may be seen from the bottom of a deep well, when they cannot be discerned from the mountaintop. So will you learn things in adversity that you would never have discovered without trouble. Th
ere is always a seed of good. Find it and prosper.” Og Mandino
As a mother, as a woman, I am a winner. With my three children behind, I am certain that I am meant to be the
re to relish the abundance of God in my life. With those painful stories, I can confidently declare, I am still capable of something greater!
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Journey4Us Team
A mom, a full-time teacher, and Love's love who enjoys blogging, and spreading kindness and harmony. Come and join me as we make our 🌍 a better place to be.💖

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