All Dreams Cambodia
Journey4Us supports All Dreams Cambodia
After a long halt in business operations due to the pandemic, the moment when everything is back has finally arrived. One of the business sectors that was severely affected by the Covid19 was tourism. But wait no more! Despite the excruciating travel bans that everyone faced, everyone has been extremely excited in planning their next travel journey by now.

Have you found a travel agency that can make all your dreams come true? If not, let me tell you why All Dreams Cambodia can be the company that will fulfill your travel desires. Let’s hop into it.
Meeting Mr. Jaques Guichandut, the managing director and founder of All Dreams Cambodia, gave me a vivid idea about what All Dreams Cambodia is. I was able to get clarity about the scope, goals, and impact of his company.
What is All Dreams Cambodia? All Dreams Cambodia is a company that provides different travel packages not just in Cambodia, but all around the world. It has geared up lately to commit into a unique tourism business; a sustainable one. It is a thriving company that has been operating despite the challenges during the Covid19 pandemic. All Dreams Cambodia keeps on evolving, and is always taking an active role in creating beautiful communities.
What does All Dreams Cambodia Offer? All Dreams Cambodia offers different travel packages around the world, highlighting Cambodia tourism. These packages are well- planned, detailed, and come with reasonable prices.

What makes All Dreams Cambodia different from all other companies? All Dreams Cambodia, the same as other companies; provides assistance on your travel journeys. Some of the things however that make All Dreams Cambodia stands out are:
- vacations with detailed itinerary
- vacations with factual information
- supports NGOs regularly
- takes active role in promoting healthy communities

Does All Dreams Cambodia operate alone? All Dreams Cambodia collaborates with many diverse companies in different sectors. Hotels, restaurants, government ministries, private businesses and entrepreneurs to make sure that the services they provide to the public will be at the excellent standard. All Dreams Cambodia was appointed by the Cambodia’s Ministry of Tourism as the official representative to France, Switzerland, Belgium, Monaco, Spain and Portugal for a two year period.

All Dreams Cambodia also collaborates with Ubiquest. Ubiquest is a sister company that provides different team building activities, and corporate urban games for other institutions. With the two combined; (All Dreams Cambodia and Ubiquest); we can only expect nothing but excellence.

What is All Dreams Cambodia dreaming of right now? Other than always being proactive with charitable projects, All Dreams Cambodia is also taking an active role in raising awareness about the danger of plastic. They initiated a campaign called #ONESTEPNOPLASTIC. Mr. Guichandut has been hands-on in making sure this project would be a success. It is his dream to see Cambodia as a NO plastic country.

What does All Dreams Cambodia want to tell the people in Cambodia? After successful cleaning up campaigns in Siem Reap, Kep and Kratei, All Dreams Cambodia wants to invite people in Phnom Penh to join their community cleaning program on 22nd October. This is still part of the #ONESTEPNOPLASTIC campaign. All Dreams Cambodia expects people in Cambodia to take active participation in activities like this, with the strong belief that we all can make it; one plastic at a time.

I want to join the Community Cleaning Up program of All Dreams Cambodia on 22nd October, 2022

Participants of the Phnom Penh Cleaning up activity will receive a Free All Dreams Cambodia T-Shirt and water bottle, plus lunch!

Why does Journey4Us support All Dreams Cambodia? As Journey4Us is proactively taking measures on promoting a happy, healthy, and harmonic community; supporting All Dreams Cambodia is like a walk in the park. Both have the same vision; “creating a healthy community”. Journey4Us is always determined to support many if not all companies in Cambodia in promoting their positive intentions. Journey4Us believes that this is only just the beginning of a long and loyal support to All Dreams Cambodia.

Journey4Us would love to thank the following people in making this collaboration with All Dreams Cambodia possible:
- Zoriana Myburgh
- Mona Hard – Marketing Manager, All Dreams Cambodia mailto:mona@alldreamscambodia.com
- Jacques Guichandut – Managing Director, All Dreams Cambodia mailto:jacques@alldreamscambodia.com
Message from Teriz : “I am inviting everyone to join us, Journey4Us and All Dreams Cambodia in creating our community, a happier and healthier place to live in. I am extremely excited about this and I look forward to seeing you there. Thank you”.

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A mom, a full-time teacher, and Love's love who enjoys blogging, and spreading kindness and harmony. Come and join me as we make our 🌍 a better place to be.💖

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