Kindness Matters

  • Kindness Matters

    Birthday Fundraiser

    Birthday Fundraiser for a friend. 🎉🎈It’s my birthday, and I have a special request for all my amazing followers!🎁🌟 🛎️As many of you know, one of my dearest friends is currently battling a respiratory disease in the hospital here in…

  • Kindness Matters

    Journey4Us at Charity Bazaar

    For today’s blog, let me tell you about how Journey4Us engaged into the Charity Bazaar at Coconut Park last 4th June 2022. Despite our busy daily schedules, we were grateful to be able to somehow raise funds for the charity.…

  • outreach program passion and compassion 4
    Kindness Matters

    Passion And Compassion Outreach Program

    Passion and Compassion Outreach program started last 28th November 2021. In line with World Kindness Week celebration, Journey4Us kicked off their first outreach venture through Passion and Compassion. The team packed 20 goodie bags filled with: Home baked cookies by…

  • Kindness Matters

    Christmas Journey4Us

    Today, 12.12.2021 ; We welcome you all to ‘Christmas Journey4Us’ Christmas Journey4Us, is an event created by Teriz as her way to unfold the spirit of Christmas, giving. For this yuletide season, Teriz and the Journey4Us team will take an…