
Job List in Cambodia #4

For Job List #4, I would like to give few tips to all ex-pats who are looking for teaching jobs in Cambodia.  Let’s call it, 

“Tips for Teaching Jobs Search in Cambodia”

Pinoy Teachers Worldwide
Pinoy Teachers Worldwide

Tip#1  Check if the school you are applying for is registered with the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports.  Some schools in Cambodia are registered, and some are not.  You can always ask ex-pats who have been here long enough; like me, I have been here for thirteen years.  I am pretty sure I, together with others can give you reliable information about schools in Cambodia.

Tip#2- Check the school’s accreditation.  As teachers, we all know what this means.  Internationally accredited schools do exist, and of course most of the times these schools are run or are functioning better than others when it comes to stability and operations.

Tip#3- Once a contract is offered to you, this is the checklist you would need to validate.

Tip#4- After reviewing all items in number 3, ask the HR manager about the following:

Tip#5- Since online learning is still going on for some schools now, it would be best to clarify this as well with the HR manager.

Tip#6- Once satisfied with the salary offered to you as a teacher, you can confirm and accept the job offer straight away, but if in doubt, inform the HR manager that you would need at least a day or two to think about it.  Do your thorough search about the job offer and get back to the HR manager once you have finalized your decision.  Avoid giving vague or false reassurance to the HR manager.  Be straightforward.

Tip#7- Once both parties have signed the contract, get ready for your first day, and avoid being late.  Duh…!  It has been flooding now in Cambodia, and to tell your principal that you are late on your first day is pretty much a giant red flag. 

I hope these tips help some of you dear teachers, and once again, thank you, and let’s all keep up our love for this job.  If you want to catch me live, that’s every Monday from 9pm(Cambodia Time) on my youtube channel  “teriz@journey4us”.  You can certainly join me there and ask more questions about teaching jobs, and teaching tips.

Terrific Teaching Tips

Happy teaching everyone, and don’t forget “Teaching rocks, and so we are”.

Good night

Here’s our top jobs for today:

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Click this link to connect with the one who posted the job.


Click this link to connect with the one who posted the job.


Click this link to connect with the one who posted the job.


Click this link to connect with the one who posted the job.


Click this link to connect with the one who posted the job.


Click this link to connect with the one who posted the job.


Click this link to connect with the one who posted the job.


Good luck to all!

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