Journey4us Mukbang Challenge

We all do find looking at someone who’s eating rude, don’t we? We also used to say “don’t talk if your mouth is full”, right? It is funny how social media has made some practices we used to believe inappropriate, entertaining, exciting, and productive. Out of the many, let’s just take a look at the popular activity right now called “Mukbang Challenge”. Let’s analyze the statistics, facts, and different opinions about this craze! Come and join me as I tell you my family’s journey as we have started taking “Mukbang Challenges” from our favorite restaurants here in Phnom Penh.
If you don’t know yet, Mukbang Challenge started in South Korea, where it is also known as an eating show. It is an online audiovisual broadcast in which a host consumes large quantities of food while interacting with the audience, It became popular in 2010, and since then has become a worldwide trend. Guess what,,, we, Journey4Us brought an extra special kind of Mukbang Challenge in Cambodia, called #englishonlymukbangchallenge. Let me tell you how this all started.
The covid19, staying at home order has definitely given way to all people of different ages to search for forms of entertainment from the internet. Name it! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Bluehost, WordPress, Tiktok, Roblox, and don’t forget YOUTUBE!, are just some of the many social media platforms that have received drastic increases of users and supporters since the second quarter of 2020. Yes, I am an active supporter of all these platforms and became more active for the last six months now. Am I enjoying it? No doubt! You all have seen. Thanks for being a fan.
Other than exploring social platforms, many of you have been so aware about how I have been cooking for the family since we started the “staying indoors” activity. I have visited the markets of different kinds here in Phnom Penh, the most ever in my life, and I have also tried and experimented cooking many kinds of dishes for my family recently. Keeping an active lifestyle had also been doable with my sister’s help Kathy, thanks to her. I had enjoyed it a lot, and currently wishing we still have those moments of being together 24/7. It happens rarely this time around as we are back to work regular routine.
Having been back to work full time for almost two months now, I found my self ordering food extremely often…like yeah, almost everyday! That was the time I started thinking, I miss seeing a variety of food on our table. I miss seeing different colors of dishes every meal time. I miss quality time with the three of them while we eat. However, since we all know how much energy our work requires, to cook everyday seems close to impossible. I started asking myself, “when can we have those moments again without me doing the preparation?”. That was when I thought about the Mukbang Challenge I used to enjoy watching from youtube accounts of some funny Filipino stars. Bet you know who those can be. Yes, Alex Gonzaga. Actually she’s the only one I found really funny, and real. Pretty much very me.

Out of a sudden urge, which I am famous for, hahaha, I started posting on my Facebook about my plan, and tagged some of my acquaintances, friends, and people who have restaurants or are in the food and beverages industries here in Phnom Penh. To those of you who don’t know me that much, I always love to initiate things without being bothered about how things are going to turn out (ofcourse not with anything). Risk taker, yes I am.
Again, another proof of “unexpected things turn out good” philosophy has been happening. Believe it or not, I have been receiving positive responses from some people I have tagged on my post, and have been receiving support from people who love me or the way I am, or even from people who just want to take an active role in spreading happiness on this planet. Now, we’re getting poetic. Hahaha! I got extremely excited that the first restaurant who gave us the chance for this #englishonlymukbangchallenge happens to be my first personal choice too. Thank you Azure Bar and Grill for accommodating us, and giving us the best option for our activity. Azure Bar and Grill became our pioneer partner for this Journey4us challenge that is definitely going to continue until nobody knows when.
If you want to watch how that all went, here’s the link…(still waiting..this will be updated tomorrow, hopefully)
After that event, I received many comments and questions from curious people. That I want to answer right down here:
1. How did you start it?
“I started it out of my imagination and optimism. I approached people and expressed my sincere intention of my activity”.
2. How do you feel about the Mukbang Challenge?
“ At first I was envisioning it to be fun, casual, and spontaneous, but at the end, I was too exhausted. When we arrived home, I have told the three “goodnight” straight away”. Hahaha
3. How did you prepare for it?
“I did call for official videographers, knowing that I have only been using my phone with all my photos and videos craziness. I am lucky to have know Jericho, and thanks to Cherry and Ryan for hooking me up with the best artist in town. I can’t wait to work with them more soon again”.
“Since the essence of the challenge is to talk to an audience while eating, I was anticipating that many of my family and close friends would also be very occupied when I go live on facebook, and so I took an initiative to take down questions from friends and family before we started, just to make sure there will be REAL questions from others. I want to thank them all for that”.
4. Did the kids and Chris enjoy it?
“ That’s the first thing I asked them once we were done, and believe it or not they all said “ yes, it was fun!”
5. How was the food?
“ You need to watch the video. As we all know, actions speak louder than words”. Hahaha
6. Where is the next #englishonlymukbangchanllenge, and when?
“That is a secret that will be revealed hours from now. Please watch out”.
7. Why did you call it #englishonly?
“ Everytime we eat at home, there are always some Filipino words spoken in front of the three, though none of them can totally understand, not even the kids. The added #englishonly is a real challenge for my self, and I failed that. I did speak a word or two during our challenge due to extreme excitement when someone joined in the live. I need to rewatch the video to remember who caused me that”.
8. Are you going to invite guests for your next challenges?
“ Yes! Definitely. We are willing to try this challenge out with anyone we love to be with and anyone who would love to be our partners”.
9. Are you gaining profit from what you are doing?
“I want to be honest I would say not yet. What the restaurants give us may it be discounts, irresistible deals, or free food are being exchanged with something of the same worth. If you want to know what that is, subscribe to my blog and send me an email. You might be the next person we are going to collaborate with, and, or we “Journey4Us”, might be the team you need”.
10. What cuisine is your favorite?
“ My food preferences vary. Women, we all know that, some men do know too. Right now, while blogging, I fancy having an Italian magic taste from the chips I am having. You need to ask me this again next week.” hahah
There we go guys, I would love to thank people who have been supporting me with whatever I do. I do always express that this world needs many people like we are. People who see beauty in the dark, opportunities within challenges, and love around this uncertain world.
Have a wonderful night everyone, and please “wake me up when September ends”.
Love to all my readers. ( I will be uploading photos and videos once it’s done. I just wanted to close September 2020, with this blog.)
And here is our first official youtube video, enjoy watching!
Signing off.
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Journey4Us Team
A mom, a full-time teacher, and Love's love who enjoys blogging, and spreading kindness and harmony. Come and join me as we make our 🌍 a better place to be.💖

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