Lentil Soup

January 2020, we have launched our food and grocery delivery service here in Phnom Penh. We are always trying to stay away from eating meat and dairy products, and so we decided to call it Phnom Penh Plant Based or #PPPB. You can read a little history of how my love, Chris chose to stay vegan in our facebook page, here’s the link https://www.facebook.com/PPplantbased

Since PPPB started operating, we have been receiving great appreciation of our service from our small, kind, and healthy customers. Many of them are families with kids, and seeing them receiving the food or our PPPB shopping bags with content and happiness on their faces is just amazing! This is just me, I always do what I love and what makes me happy. Anyway, March 2020, when Covid 19 hit the world, PPPB also experienced the downfall. Our customers have declined in numbers, and many of them have left Cambodia for good.

Our best seller since then is our lentil soup, and here is everything about it.

Prepare your ingredients:
- 400 g yellow lentils
- 1/4 cup oil
- a stalk of celery ( thinly cut))
- 1 onion (diced)
- garlic (diced)
- rosemary (thinly cut)
- spring onions (thinly cut)
How to cook it:
Wash your ingredients well before cooking
Cooking the lentils:
In a pot, cook your 400g lentils in 1 liter of water for 45 minutes. The amount of water will depend on the consistency that you like. If you want it thick then lessen it. I prefer it not too thick, so 1 liter of water is just right for our taste.
Cooking the flavors and spices:
Heat your skillet and add 1/4 cup of oil ( I use sunflower oil), add the onions, rosemary, and celery. Wait for 5 minutes, then add the garlic. Simmer all these spices together for like 10 minutes in a low heat.
Add these spices in the lentils’ pot and continue mixing the soup for another 15 minutes. Adding salt and pepper would be up to you, and I normally do that during the mixing period. Serve the soup while hot and top it up with fresh rosemary and spring onions. Brown, wheat bread is perfect for this soup.
I believe my lentil soup recipe is basic and simple, and you can also give it a try anytime. Different alternatives are always welcome and please do share it with me if you have discovered something that will make this lentil soup way better! Happy cooking everyone!
“Only the pure in the heart can make a good soup” ~~~Ludwig Van Beethoven
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Journey4Us Team
A mom, a full-time teacher, and Love's love who enjoys blogging, and spreading kindness and harmony. Come and join me as we make our 🌍 a better place to be.💖
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