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The Advantages of Online Learning During Covid19

Not many people can easily see the advantages of online learning these days. The challenges teachers and students experience everyday is a pretty kettle of fish. However, over a long course of time, people started to see the advantages of online learning.

Everyone in the Education sector had experience sudden computer literacy refinement.

No doubt, all teachers right now probably are giving themselves a tap on their should saying “wow, I’ve done this?” Also, teachers right now maybe saying “ Oh, that’s how to do this”. In a span of sixteen months, teachers ability to work with technology has been tested. All teachers around the world regardless of their subject major have become “the computer experts”. If teachers have experienced this amazing improvement, students did as well. That is the major advantage of online learning.

online learning birthday
online learning birthday
zoom birthday

Can you imagine a four year old tries to log in to zoom or simply just interacting with friends over computers? Who would have thought the youth is going to experience this as early as four, or maybe even three? two? Do people need to focus on the disadvantages of the situation right now? Or rather see the beauty behind it? You think.

Adapting to changes is one of the keys to success.

key to success

Creating a video is one of the advantages of online learning that is evident these days.

Take a look at what my class has made when I was not able to meet them online one day.

Thank you dear students

Classroom scenario teaching method is still the key for a better learning experience. However, with what people are all in right now, it is also great to unlock the beauty of this unpleasant covid19 moments. You never know, the next Bill Gates will come from your class enjoying online learning right now.

Click this link to see more wonderful children’s online work.

Take it easy teachers.

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teachers worldwide

A mom, a full-time teacher, and Love's love who enjoys blogging, and spreading kindness and harmony. Come and join me as we make our 🌍 a better place to be.💖