The First 10K
Hello everyone! I apologize for the delay in posting; life has been a whirlwind, and honestly, that’s just how I like it. Are you preparing for your first 10K run these days? Then you landed on the right blog.

Today, I’m excited to share my experience of running my first 10K. I’ll take you through how I decided to take the plunge, how I prepared, and how I triumphed in what felt like the run of a lifetime.

Let’s Dive In!
One night, my love mentioned he’d be running for his school and invited me to join him. Without a second thought, I jumped at the chance! You see, I had dreamed of this run for about eight years, and the fact that it was finally happening, and with the person I cherish most, filled me with excitement. I registered immediately. The event, organized by AIA, aimed to raise awareness about breast cancer—a cause I wholeheartedly support.

Preparing for the Challenge
With just four weeks to prepare, I dove into training mode. I consulted my sister, Kathy Hirt, who also happens to be my health coach. She shared invaluable tips:

- Stay active regularly
- Start with 3K and build up
- Focus on stamina and endurance
- Wear the same gear on training runs as on race day
- Avoid injuries
- Eat heathily
- Carbo-load the night before
- Get plenty of sleep
Naturally, I followed her advice to the letter. I even crafted my own training plan:
- Day 1: Run at your own pace
- Day 3: 3K run
- Day 5: Cardio exercise
- Day 6: 5K run
- Continue this pattern gradually, increasing distance and intensity

It was a busy month, but my motivation soared. I woke up early to run on the rooftop or around the neighborhood. One day, I even convinced my love to join me at the Olympic Stadium for a flat, straight path. I eagerly bought new running shoes, only to discover on race day that my trusty old pair felt better.

Facing Setbacks

Then came a hiccup. I fell ill with a bacterial infection, likely from some shrimp I enjoyed during a getaway in Kep. It was a beautiful place, but my time there didn’t go as planned. As the race day loomed, I contemplated pulling out due to my recovery. But just two days before the run, I had a heart-to-heart with myself: “You better do this run now, or never again.” I realized that making excuses would steal my motivation.

So, I committed.
After arriving in Phnom Penh from Kep around 4 PM, I navigated through pouring rain to collect my race packet. I faced another small setback when my chosen shirt was out of stock, but I didn’t let that dampen my spirits. I returned home with a surprise for my love, the run bag in hand.
The Night Before
The night before the race, I should have indulged in pasta or pizza, but we opted for Chinese food—rice, greens, dumplings, and soup. I doubled my rice portion and made sure to hydrate with three liters of water. After a satisfying dinner, I went to bed by 9:30 PM, setting the alarm for 4 AM.
On the way to the venue, my love asked, “Where’s your running number?” At that moment, I realized I had forgotten it at home! I dashed back up to grab it, wondering if this was a sign to give up or just a minor bump in the road. I chose to see it as the latter.

Race Day: A New Beginning
We were fortunate to have a friendly driver who received a generous tip. As we approached the venue, I whispered to myself, “Looks like Teriz started her run a bit early.”
At the starting point, I put on my bravest face, despite the remnants of my cough. We warmed up with fellow runners around 5 AM. The nerves were palpable. I had to make a pit stop at a nearby coffee shop—another distraction that added to my anxiety.

At 5:45 AM, we lined up, and my heart raced. My love and I exchanged a good luck kiss, sticking to our deal: “I run, you run; we’ll meet at the finish line.” The countdown began, and soon we were off!

The Run
As I ran, I absorbed my surroundings, taking my Strepsils at the 3K and 5K markers to help with my breathing. To my surprise, I felt strong, despite not being in peak health. The morning sun warmed the runners’ bodies along the riverside, and I saw the same determination in others’ eyes. We all shared a common goal: to finish strong and safe.
Approaching the finish line, I felt a wave of relief and joy. I couldn’t help but smile at everyone around me, celebrating this achievement deep in my heart. I dubbed it “The Joy at the Finish Line”—a moment of pure bliss.

The Aftermath
All three of us—my love, his colleague, and I—gathered at our meeting spot. His colleague crushed his 10K in an impressive 51 minutes! We enjoyed a hearty breakfast, fresh juices, and smoothies, basking in the beautiful Sunday morning.

My Takeaways
Here’s what I learned from my first 10K:
– Plan and make it happen
– Determination trumps skill
– Stay focused on your goal and persevere
– Recovery leads to new beginnings
– Run and have fun!
Thank you for joining me on this journey, dear readers. I hope my story inspires you to chase what makes you happy and to pursue your goals, no matter the obstacles. Remember, you’re never alone—Journey4Us is here to listen to your stories.

If you’re inspired to run after reading this, please share your journey with us using the hashtag #journey4usrun. We’d love to hear from you!
Thanks for stopping by, and until the next run—see you soon!
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Journey4Us Team
A mom, a full-time teacher, and Love's love who enjoys blogging, and spreading kindness and harmony. Come and join me as we make our 🌍 a better place to be.💖

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