Teaching Adventure

Online Teaching Ideas- Scientist of the Year

Are you looking for some online teaching ideas?  Today, I am sharing with you all how we have successfully conducted our Scientist of the Year quest in my class.  I understand how difficult the situations we are all in right now and having watched how my students showed determination and resourcefulness during our activity, I am still in awe right now.  (clicking the images will lead you to the video of this activity)  Check out some fun online teaching ideas right here:

online teaching ideas
online teaching ideas

So, out of my 14 students, three made it to the final round.  Those three were given enough time to prepare a presentation about their “Earth, Moon and Sun Movement” knowledge.  Since we were studying online, I didn’t give much criteria or expectations from the students.  They were just asked to “come up with a model and explanation about what you have learnt from our class”, and look what they have done!

Scientist of the Year
Scientist of the Year

This is also too nostalgic for me.  Just for the records, the reason why we had this activity in the class is; my students have known that when I was in fourth grade like them now, I was able to experience showcasing a Science Research way back 1994. 😀 Yes, that long time ago.  The only main difference is, theirs was done online or virtually.  Regardless, both turned out well!

When I shared to my class how I made it that time, they were all too excited and were asking me if we can have one in the class, and a big YeS was what they got. Then a sudden shift to online learning happened due to increased covid19 cases in the country.  Since I am a person who keeps words despite challenges, I still decided to let the children experience the quest.  We did make it happen and they were all bumping off the walls.
With everyone’s support and dedication, we all made it to the top.  Everyone was fulfilled and had felt great sense of accomplishment.

I am extremely proud of what the students have accomplished.  What they have done is just another proof of a cliche we normally hear “when the going gets tough, the tough get going”, extremely perfect to inspire us all during the difficult times of online teaching.

Please watch the video and let me know if you would need my help or assistance if you want this kind of activity in your class during #online-learning
PS: this post got pre approval from all parents and students concerned 😀 #thankyou #OFW #teachers

If you have enjoyed this please don’t forget to check out this project:



A mom, a full-time teacher, and Love's love who enjoys blogging, and spreading kindness and harmony. Come and join me as we make our 🌍 a better place to be.💖