dragon fruit smoothie

The Best Smoothie for Summer

There are tons of delicious smoothies to make but nothing beats dragon fruit smoothie; the best smoothie for summer.

Hi everyone!  I hope you are all enjoying your day and hopefully all of us are starting to enjoy the summer break we all deserve.  For this blog, I would just love to share my encounter with dragon fruit since I arrived in Cambodia and why I consider it as the best smoothie.

Many of us, OFW, Overseas Filipino Workers here in Cambodia can attest that we don’t see many dragon fruit back in the Philippines.  I am not sure but from my side, Bacolod City, I haven’t seen this before.  Let me know in the comment box if any Filipino readers here have seen dragon fruit in the Philippines.  I have not!

the best dragon fruit smoothie
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Moving on, normal reaction, we don’t or can’t easily like some fruit or food immediately on our first taste.  Just like me, when I tasted dragon fruit, I was not a big fan at the beginning.  For some personal reasons:

  • the look itself poses as a challenge already to like
  • the texture, which is rough and slimy on your palate
  • the cactus looking appearance

Despite Dragon fruit appearance, I consider it as the best smoothie

Yes they look like dragons at first look. It is easy to identify dragon fruit among all others.  For me this fruit is like, “you need to see my inside and you’ll be astonished”, vibe!  Once you have sliced this fruit, you will see some tiny seeds inside, that are edible!  Yes eat those all up, just like ho we eat kiwis.  The inside color can be hot pink or white.  Give both a try and let me know which one you prefer.

Dragon fruit in Cambodia is available almost all year round.  Seeing this fruit in the market everytime definitely has enticed me to keep buying.  Until one day, I realized that this has become my favorite fruit.  

dragon fruit journey4us
dragon fruit journey4us
dragon fruit inside look
dragon fruit inside look

I can’t believe how my palate has transformed into a “search for dragon fruit” system. I then started comparing white dragon fruit and red dragon fruit.  White dragon fruit for me tastes less sweet than red ones.  If you want to know more comparisons about the two kinds you can visit this site.

For me, the best smoothie for summer is red dragon fruit. 

It is refreshing with a mildly sweet flavor. It’s delicious on its own and would add a new flavor note and makes any fruit salad looks gorgeous to it.

I enjoy preparing this smoothie from the peeling process, to glassing it.  Ofcourse, smoothies are as easy as pie.  Chuck everything you want in, add your favorite creamer or liquid, add some ice, and start blending.  Secret I use is soda water.   We all love the bubbles and sparkling effect as we drink.  Give it a try!

The best summer smoothies ofcourse are found in beautiful glasses or jars.  In my household, I would normally present smoothies in a very aesthetic manner.  As what they would always tell me. 

dragon fruit smoothie
dragon fruit smoothie

These mason jars are available from amazon if you want to add an excellent smoothie presentation for your family.  Get yours now! 

Here are some smoothie essentials you can get from Amazon. Please be informed that Journey4Us is an official Affiliate of Amazon. Purchasing through our website gives us commission. Whatever we get from our Affiliate Marketing, we use it to maintain our website to improve its functionality and readers experience. Thank you for supporting Journey4Us.

Once I have poured my beautiful dragon fruit smoothie in my mason jars, I garnish it with whatever I have at home.  I use any leaves or fruit that I think would enhance the excitement of my family to drink it.  So here, what I have used to garnish are:

Why is this the best smoothie?

The health benefits and nutrition facts we all can get from dragon fruit is some of the things we don’t want to take for granted.  Check them out:

  • It’s rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, phenolic acid, and betacyanin.
  • It’s naturally fat-free and high in fiber. It makes for a good snack because it can help keep you full for longer between meals.
  • It may help lower your blood sugar.
  • Researchers say this might be partly because it replaces damaged cells in your pancreas that make insulin, the hormone that helps your body break down sugar. But the studies were done on mice, not people. It’s unclear just how much dragon fruit you’d have to eat to get these benefits.
  • It contains prebiotics, which are foods that feed the healthy bacteria called probiotics in your gut.
  • Having more prebiotics in your system can improve the balance of good to bad bacteria in your intestines.
  • It can strengthen your immune system. Dragon fruit is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants, which are good for your immune system.
  • It can boost your iron levels. Iron is important for moving oxygen through your body and giving you energy, and dragon fruit has iron.
  • And the vitamin C in dragon fruit helps your body take in and use the iron.

To know more about Fruit Nutrition: visit this site:

How to Prepare Your Dragon Fruit?

Get this Ninja 2 in 1 Blender and start making the best smoothies now!

A mom, a full-time teacher, and Love's love who enjoys blogging, and spreading kindness and harmony. Come and join me as we make our 🌍 a better place to be.💖