The Ultimate Thing You Need For A Successful Blogging Experience
Are you thinking of creating your own blog site? Are you having doubts if blogging is for you or not? Are you tired of reading the same information you see online that seems to be unbelievable? I bet YES that’s why you’re here reading my blog.
Welcome everyone to Journey4us! This is Teriz once again and today, I am going to tell you the ultimate thing you need for a successful blogging experience.
Yes! Just like you, I was in the same position last year. I wanted to start a blog and I searched the internet about what I should really know before I start my own blog. Everything I read that time was super enticing. Most blogs I read before gave me information like “it’s easy, it’s a snap”. Not only that, they all say that it’s that easy, I also encountered blogs saying how much money I can make out of blogging. Sounds familiar? Have you read the same and felt like you’re going to create your own blog instantly? Well, you need to hang on a minute and read “The Ultimate Thing You Need For A Successful Blogging Experience”.
Many of you have probably been following me already and you definitely have an idea that I have been blogging for 14 months now. For those who are new readers here, now you know. When I started blogging, I encountered challenges along the way. Even now, I am struggling with some blogging technicalities. I’m not a web expert, nor has any background about it back then. Right now I am thinking, “why has nobody talked about these?” That makes you lucky I guess, because here, I will tell you some information that I guess nobody did nor will. Okay let’s hop right on it.
Top10 Things You Need To Know Before You Start Blogging
- Time– If you are an extremely busy person and thinking about blogging, think again! Yes you can blog as a hobby not an issue, but then later on, you will be enticed to make your blog profitable. I mean, just like me! I thought at the beginning I would just blog whenever I feel like. However, I guess my website host, BlueHost and WordPress automatically send some emails that entice website owners to make their blog productive. After receiving those emails, you can’t just ignore them. Those emails are too powerful that you will then again be enticed to keep pushing for your blog to work and make it profitable. Why do you need time that is enough or better yet, way more extra time? That is because of the following points.
- SEO focus Contents- You need time to write contents that are in favor of SEO or the “search engine optimization”. Big word yeah! What is SEO? Well, one thing I want to tell you about SEO, is that you don’t need anyone for it if you have time. There is an SEO tool where you can just pay and that tool will help your contents be SEO friendly. SEO friendly means, letting google rank your website on the internet. If you want to know more about it, here’s the link. Read it now. Don’t waste time.
- Plug-Ins- You need to make time to learn and understand every plug-ins you have learnt you need to have. I was calling this just a minute ago as a tool. (I don’t want to overwhelm you.). Plug-Ins are basically some softwares you need to activate or connect with your website to get it going. It’s like food. It is a necessity. Without it, your website won’t or can’t function correctly. How many do you need? A lot! After learning one plug-in at a time, I was in awe! That’s how easy things are behind every website! Learning and understanding plug-ins take extra time. You don’t want to know or see my notepads about my plug-in experiences. (If you do, leave comments down in the box. I would be happy to show you.) At the end of the day, I always feel great knowing that I have done something fabulous for my blog. Baby steps, one day at a time.
Plug-Ins are heroes behind every website. They save the day.
Theresse Gedoria
- Social Media Accounts- If you are targeting to make your blog profitable, there is no way you can do it without social media presence. Believe me. Having a blog will make you feel the need to create social media accounts with every app you encounter. I used to only have YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. When I started having Journey4us, I created Twitter, Linked In, Quora, Reddit, Pinterest, and TikTok. Each platforms has personal and business accounts. Yes! I am managing on my own because, I don’t have the financial resources to pay people to help me manage. Maybe if I have extra cash on a regular basis I will hire someone to do it for me. Then again, I love learning and being totally hands on with everything about Journey4Us. I love knowing every single thing about it, and responding to everyone’s query myself.
- Free Promotion- Once you have set up your website and synchronized it to all social media accounts, it doesn’t stop there. You’re just taking the first step. After this, you are now ready to promote your website to gain visitors, and eventually profit from it. Yes! Visitors are where your profit will come from, or I should say, one of the ways to make profit from blogging. If you are a person who prefers less followers on social media like me, how are you going to promote your blog? You need time! You might then be opted to join different Facebook groups, Reddit communities and start sharing the links of your contents. Yes, I do that because I want to gain organic results. Organic means unpaid results. You will be encountering many deals about this, but hey, think about it carefully before sending your payment. Be smart! Tons of people, companies or apps will tell you to give organic traffic or visitors. Think again before paying for those. I have never tried and never will. Time is needed to promote your website for free and for organic results.
I just realized how powerful Reddit is. I do it on Reddit.
- Graphics Design- A content without images is like a garden without flowers. I mean plain and simple. We all know what’s the effect of an image don’t you? If you have seen my first blogs, I am aware that they weren’t not having good designs. With so many apps you can use for graphics design now, creating one becomes easier. Again, you need time for this. If you are not capable to pay designer for your graphics like me, then time is vital. This is definitely the ultimate thing you need for a successful blogging experience . Of Course, I envy people who can easily pay for their graphics designers; but honestly, I enjoy creating my own and feel more fulfilled seeing my own work. However, we never know. Sooner or later I might decide to pay a designer. A thing I need to ponder before finalizing a decision. Do I want to simply approve someone’s work? or do I want to create what I really want to see on my blog site? It’s all about preferences, conveniences, and resources.
- Email lists- Okay, I noticed this point as a need on my 8th month of blogging. I realized that I have tons of email addresses from all my email accounts. So what did I do to come up with my email lists? I screened all email addresses I have from five active email addresses. Yes! I checked one by one hoping that I deleted addresses of people I don’t want to be connected to anymore. (Excuse to those who have received my email unexpectedly). After screening all those, I was able to come up with (1200)one thousand two hundred email addresses and they are now on my email lists. Yes! It’s not that simple if you are doing everything on your own. You need to download a certain file and upload them as a group to your web hosting site. I am pretty satisfied that I was able to start with my email lists by now. I find every new discovery as exciting as the rest. Now, all I have to do is add every email I’ll get to my list. Atleast I got this started. What’s next after this? Let’s hop onto number 8.
- Newsletters and Emails- Once you have collected emails of your possible subscribers, there’s a need to make some newsletters or emails. These are some effective ways a blogger does to increase website visitors and feasibility to profit. Writing newsletters or Emails is for me way more important than blog contents. Why? Well, when you are sending newsletters and emails, you absolutely know where to address these. Unlike blog contents, you can basically just write a blog about how your weekend went, or how great a product is. You don’t have any idea who will stumble on your blog contents. Coming with coherent newsletters and emails, you need the whole time in the world. You want to make sure you are sending a correct message to a certain group of people. We don’t want to make any mistakes here. Perfectionists? Yes, it’s needed at times.
- Instant messages- Recently I added a plug-in that enables instant messages to be sent and read from Journey4us. That too needs time to learn on how to make it work properly. Not only that, how to synchronize it to all social media accounts is another task. Time is what you need to make all these work. Every after accomplishment I achieved, I jot it down on my journal. These notes are like treasure for me. They are proofs of my hard-work and enthusiasm I guess.
- Google Adsense Approval- Yes! Bloggers may receive profit from all ads shown on the website. However, applying for this takes time. Google needs to see you have enough contents with excellent graphics and valuable stories. Going back, I am doing everything myself and so it took me like a month to get approved for Google Adsense. Bottom line is, the ultimate thing you need to have for a successful blogging experience is TIME.
There you go everyone. The top 10 essential things mentioned revolved around the factor we call “time”. Everything basically starts with, “ do you have time?”. “Are you going to make time for blogging?”. Time is the ultimate thing you need for a successful blogging experience.
There is no question about my passion, your passion. If you don’t make time, think again. We don’t want to just pay for our website hosting yearly and end up not gaining any, don’t we? So if you have:
- passion in writing
- enthusiasm with social media
- good intentions
- uninterrupted time
then you can start blogging now. Join my journey and our journey. This is Teriz of Journey4Us welcoming you to our healthy growing community.
I wish I have given you clear idea and have helped you decide to go on blogging or not yet. Please leave some questions about any. I will be thrilled to help you along the way in creating and making your blog site profitable.
If this blog helped you decide whether you create your blog website or not I would appreciate a coffee as your token. Thank you!
If you think you need more tips and guides on how to make your blog profitable, here is the best choice you can get from Amazon.
See more of Journey4Us on Youtube!
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Journey4Us Team
A mom, a full-time teacher, and Love's love who enjoys blogging, and spreading kindness and harmony. Come and join me as we make our a better place to be.
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Useful content, thanks for sharing
Journey4Us Team
Thank you Saremrim